Essay on Professionalism

Professionalism can be explained as the behavior or attitude of a particular person in a workplace. Being a professional only in specific things or your career does not make you a professional it also involves how you behave and act with others and how you handle situations in your business environment. Professionalism is not about what job you do it is about how you do it.

For professional environment some rules and some regulations should be set in order to avoid unprofessional behavior of any person. Professionalism is very essential for the worker’s self-confidence and wellness and whoever take this lightly then he / she should be punished for not maintaining professional environment and causing disturbance for others.

Professionalism is expected from you no matter what field you are in, whether you are in nursing, education or any other career they all requires interactions and dealing with the clients and you must be capable of such skills putting out all your positive experience.  Showing friendly behavior and warmness to your clients will make them trust you and as how it goes they will treat you the same as how you treat them.

Making your clients feel comfortable around you with your honesty, respect, and kindness and do not let them feel left out or be disrespectful to them as it will become more difficult for you to handle that situation. Being a professional also includes how you appear in front of them, people will judge you the way you look and expect such things accordingly for instance if you are dealing a client in nursing field they will expect you to be careful of cleanliness from and around you.

Your appearance shows how professional and serious a person is regarding his / her career hence choosing the right outfit for a workplace is necessary for making clients willing to work with you. Apart from perfect attire for a workplace, professionalism moreover involves skills that requires how you prioritize your tasks, responsibilities, how you communicate with your clients and your computer skills as the world is now mainly depends on the computerized environment.

You should also have basic knowledge of computer for database being utilized for billings and so on. Furthermore, your communication skills should be excellent and fluent as after your appearance it is the second most significant thing that leaves the impression to the clients which is totally up to you how you give your impression but remember that what impression you are giving to your clients is also reflecting your organization’s impression as well.

To sum up everything, professionalism is not just about your clothing, skills, advance degrees and so on although professionalism, morals, rules and responsibilities of a person, all these qualities are combined together for professional exercise. Professionalism does not mean you need to wear the perfect clothing or suite. Professionalism is about being respectful and confident, it is about when you know you have to give your best even when you do not feel like doing it.

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