How to Write a Thank You Letter

The letters of thanks are intended, as the name implies, to thank one or more people for some type of service, service or event happened.

It is always advisable to thank as soon as possible. In addition, for the recipient, it will be a very well received type of letter, a reason for satisfaction, pride and a good way, at the same time, to show our education and respect towards the other person.

There are many letters that are written to request favors, but few are those who remember to also write the letter of thanks, once the favor has ended.

As we will see below, writing thank you letters is simple, easy and free. In return, we managed to establish a very good relationship with the other person, strengthen the bonds of union, and maintain contact in case in the future could be necessary again.

Thanks Letter For Interview:

There is no transparent agreement between those who consider themselves professionals in this sector of the world of work that deal with whether it is necessary or not to send a letter of thanks after an interview opting for a job.

We believe and rely on our experience that many interviewers and human resources managers appreciate that the candidate or the candidates appreciate the attention and time spent using a model or example of a letter of thanks.

On the other hand, we believe that after a long period of interviews, the company may not be clear about the final selection of a candidacy, since there are many who have fit the profile sought. The letter of thanks will, therefore, highlight your motivation and increase your seriousness.

You can choose to highlight some or all of the following points:

1 – Transmit those impressions and positive ideas that you got during the interview.

2 – Do not be afraid to reiterate your enthusiasm and interest in the job.

3 – You must reaffirm your qualifications (your training, your experience, your personal skills …) that will make you the ideal candidate.

Surely now you know better the requirements of the position, therefore you should refer to those issues for which the person in charge of doing the interview showed in more detail its importance.

Thank You Letter After Interview Sample 1:

Manuel Rodriguez Santos

Respi Street, 67 2ºC

Tfl. 555-239222

In Buenos Aires, on August 21, 2018

Mr. David Distral

Marketing Director

Ruidos SA Argentina

Avda. The cats 41, 10th floor

(11922) Buenos Aires

Dear Mr. Distral:

I am writing to you to express my gratitude for the time and attention you gave me during the interview today for the position of Logistics and Distribution Manager for Ruidos SA of Argentina, position and corporation in which I have great interest.

I found our conversation about the particular advantages of applying the investment principles in the current operation of Noise in Argentina very interesting in order to reduce the decibel levels of its banking, distribution and transportation offices. My experience in banking management allowed me to check the benefits of the system.

As I said in the interview, my job objective is to continue developing my experience in frontline companies and in positions similar to those already occupied, so I want to reiterate my interest in the present opportunity in which I consider I can make a contribution significant.

I accompany this list of references requested for your information, and I remain at your disposal for any questions you may have during this selection process.

Thanking you again for having invited me to a first interview and while waiting for a new contact and a new appointment.

Manuel Rodriguez Santos


Interview Thanks Letter Sample 2:

Manuel Rodriguez Santos

Respi Street, 67 2ºC

Tfl. 555-239222

José Francisco López

Director of cleaning Baños de Madrid

Avda. The green poplar nº 23 4th Right.

Los Caños Industrial Estate

28080 Madrid

Madrid, August 21, 2018

Dear Mr. José Francisco:

I would like to thank you for the interview on August 10 for the position of Office Manager.

According to the information you provided in the aforementioned interview, about the requirements and responsibilities required for the position, and that I think fit perfectly with my profile, I inform you that I continue to be very interested in being selected for your Company.

I wish I could allow myself to spend a second round of interviews. I am waiting for you to tell me the date and time of the next interview.


Manuel Rodriguez

Donation Thanks Letter Sample 1

Manuel Rodriguez Santos

Respi Street, 67 2ºC

Tfl. 555-239222

River Cockle Association

Red cypress street nº40

The barracks (New York)


Dear friends,

I would like to thank you very sincerely for the donations made at this time of need.

I thank the merciful God who has placed in your heart and likewise He with his infinite goodness will know how to compensate in your lives that gesture of obedience.

Multiplying the blessings for you and your families.

Our prayers for you.

very grateful, sincerely,

Manuel and family.

As of August 21, 2018


Thank You Letter For Donation Sample 2

Manuel Rodriguez Santos

Respi Street, 67 2ºC

Tfl. 555-239222

Madrid on August 21, 2018

Manuel Gomez Perez

Avda. Los Marcos 34 right

(91) 555-55555 (91) 444-4444

Manuelillo @ e-mail .com

Dear Mr. Manuel Pérez

I want to thank you again for having some of your time to listen to my current proposals and offer your advice on the current market.

I also want to thank you for the money you provided, which I am sure will be very useful, and will help me greatly in my investment project, as well as the possibility of contacting the General Director of BolsaMadrid whom I will call next week to arrange a interview.

I will keep you informed about the outcome of my investments.


Dan Pena

Thanks Letter For Support Sample 1:

In this case, it is a letter of thanks in which the person wants to thank for the support received when presenting for a public office.

Manuel Rodriguez Santos

Respi Street, 67 2ºC

Tfl. 555-239222


Madrid, August 21, 2018

rs. Caminera Flores

Director of CARSSA SA

Avda. The cypresses 23

Dear Mrs. Flores,

I turn to you again to thank you for your collaboration and support in my campaign. Few people have been able to write such a proper and direct personal reference with such delicacy, and I doubt that I will find in the future people who know how to help me better than what you have done with me.

Waiting for new news, I thank you for the interest shown in my candidacy and I remain at your entire disposal for an upcoming meeting.

A cordial greeting,

Manuel Rodriguez Santos


Thank You Letter For Support Sample 2:

Manuel Rodriguez Santos

Respi Street, 67 2ºC

Tfl. 555-239222

As of August 21, 2018

Mr. Santiago Soto del Real

C / The cypress, 51

28033 Madrid

Dear Mr. Soto:

I want to thank you again for receiving me last week and taking part of your time to listen to my current projects and offer me with your advice and support, which I consider of great value.

I also want to thank you for the information you provided, which I am sure will be very useful, as well as the possibility of contacting Mr. Ranero , whom I will call next week to arrange an interview.

I will keep you informed about the result of it.

Very truly yours,

Dan Lok

Thanks Letter For Employees Sample

Sometimes, companies usually publish an informative text, on a protocol basis, in which the collaboration or participation of other people or entities in any particular situation or the celebration of some type of act is appreciated.

Generally, it is aimed at the subordinates or workers of the company. It differs from the formal letter in that it has a serial number.

Here is an example of a company’s thanks to its employees for achieving the manufacturing goal set at the beginning of the year:

Empresa Constructora SA

Recoletos Street 34, nº 23

Tef: 399393

As of August 21, 2018

Dear workers:

From the management department we want to convey to all our employees our most sincere thanks for having reached the estimated amount of 1000 services sold within this year 2018.

This success has managed to improve the reputation of our brand and achieve the opening of the international market.
We could not have achieved all this without your help, so we reiterate our thanks for your collaboration and encourage you to continue working in the same way. With the same desire and the same determination. Soon we will reach new successes.
We’re convinced

Alfonso Robles
Director General


Thanks Letter For Customers Sample:

Sample letter, similar to the trade, in which the company or institution, thanks to its customers for the consideration and waiting time until the correct service has been restored.


Avda. The green poplar nº 23 4th Right.

Los Caños Industrial Estate

28080 Madrid

August 21, 2018

Dear customers:

As you know, our company is not going through the best moments. Recently we have had the need to sell part of our assets to finance the new manufacturing project and, in this way, return to the market and meet the needs of our customers.
We thank you for your support, your consideration and your time in understanding the situation.

We believe that everything is already solved, and that from now on the quality of the service will maintain the same qualities that we once offered.

Thank you all from the bottom of my heart, thank you for your attention and I hope to see you at next meetings.

José Francisco López

Director of cleaning Baños de Madrid


Thanks Letter to Teacher Sample:


July 16, 2015

Dear teacher Jacky:

I want to thank you for this school year, and all that you have taught us.

I especially want to thank you for the support you gave me a few months ago when I almost had to leave school. Thank you for convincing my parents. You are a super teacher!

Next year I will put all my effort to learn and be one of the best students in my group. It is a promise.

Thank you very much and I will see you next year.

With love



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