How to Write Greeting Letters

Learn how to write a greeting letter by looking at several examples.

A greeting letter can be used to replace a card for those who would like to be more original since in a letter it is possible to write something that one is really feeling and they are not words put by another person.

That is, the greeting letter allows you to send a much more personal and affectionate message to the recipient.

Examples of Greeting letters

Sample greeting letter – # 1

Dear Angelín:

There is still time for Christmas, but I am writing to you now because if I wait, I fear that I will forget, and also, because there is Sunday, it rains and I do not know what to do; That’s why I send you my congratulations in advance.

I would be very happy to see you, be with you and bowling. I don’t have them yet, but my uncle Mario has to give them to me; He has said that there are some that have a clown’s head and are expensive, but he will buy them anyway because he says he has money.

My sister Maruja has promised that she will give me a beautiful box of constructions, of those made of wood, and so, she can make bridges and pyramids, and many other things. Angelín, tell your dad to bring you here, at least, for the Kings.

You could be in my house, and in my bed, there is room. I haven’t seen you since the harvest, and since you’re my dearest friend, I’d like to be with you for a few days at least.

Say hello to your dear parents, convey my greetings and hug.



Sample greeting letter – # 2

Dear Ricardo:

As soon as I received your letter, I read it for me, and then, I read it to my mother and my grandmother, and my mother said that I was grateful for your congratulations and that, if everything goes well, it will allow me to go to your house. Imagine how happy I am! I have taken out the account and there are still ten days left until Christmas, and then, it will still be eight before I can go.

The uncle, who will come here for the holidays, will return to his village on January 3 and accompany me to your home. Then, we will see if there is someone who can take care of returning me. I wish there was no one for a long time! So, we could spend more time together. If you give me the “Mecano”, you will take it and we will have fun with it.

Yesterday, it was a very beautiful sun here, and it seemed that we were already in spring; instead, they say that it always rains in the city. It is much better to live in the country than in the city, a hundred times better; If you could come here for your whole life, I would be very happy. Do not eat too much in these next few days, because if not, they will have to purge you, and when it arrives, you will be sick. Receive many hugs from your


PS — I forgot to congratulate you. I wish you good holidays.


Sample greeting letter – # 3

Dear Ladybug:

The Pasua is approaching and mom says that you should write to the people you want to congratulate, and I have decided to write to you. Then, he will also send you a postcard of those bright, with flowers, in which he says: HAPPY EASTER, with golden letters.

My sister has bought twenty and has spent so much money, that Mom has reprimanded her a lot and has said that it costs a lot of work to get ahead and that there is no need to spend money that way. But since we have the cards, I will send you one to keep it as a memory of mine.

I hope you stay as good as me. In two years, I will make the first communion, and Aunt Julia will be my godmother and will give me the white dress with a veil. For Christmas, I want a dove with lumps of sugar on top. If I were rich, I would send one to you, and next to her, I would put a blonde doll, but I’m poor and I can’t. Goodbye, dear Maria; I have written to you because I love you, and when my classmates talk about their friends. I think of you.

Remember that I congratulated you on Easter; And now, I await your congratulation.



Sample greeting letter – No. 4

My little mother:

Tomorrow is your birthday and I send you this letter to congratulate you. I will also do it personally and take you a gift; but I think that tomorrow morning you will like to receive a letter, and that is why I am writing to you. I have to tell you many things, but I will tell you tomorrow. If they give you a cake, keep me a little piece; I’m content to try what kind of cake it is.

I greet you and congratulate you.


Sample greeting letter – No. 5

Dear grandfather:

Today, it is a beautiful day for you; You turn eighty and everyone celebrates you. When you unpack the gift packages, you should know that I have bought the slippers with my savings, since I have been saving money from the cinema every Sunday for ten months. When you asked me why I wasn’t going and I answered that because I didn’t feel like it, I really wanted to save the money to give you the gift.

When I am old like you, I hope to have a grandson who loves me very much. I am very happy that you are my grandfather, because you are a colonel, you have won many battles, and when you laugh, you are very handsome, grandfather, so handsome, that I would always kiss you.

I put this little card under your pillow so you can look for it when you wake up.

Congratulations from your grandson,



Sample greeting letter – No. 6

Distinguished gentleman:

I am writing to you on behalf of my father who, because of the accident he suffered, still has his arm in a sling. Now that Christmas parties are approaching, we feel all the family’s duty to wish you all kinds of congratulations; May God give you everything you desire.

You have been so good to us in this period in which Dad has not worked, he has been so interested in us that we should express our gratitude. Please accept our grateful and fervent congratulations.

Pedrito B.


Sample greeting letter – No. 7

Dear Roberto:

The day after tomorrow, it is Christmas, the most beautiful holiday of the year, the day everyone should be loved, in which each one of us must vote for the happiness and health of loved ones. I do it for you and I hope that from now on, you will always be happy and that everything goes well, even your tasks.

If I were trained, I would gladly help you, but I must be content to send you my warmest congratulations. Answer me; Send me your congratulations too, because when we receive them, you have to return them. I send them with all my heart and I hope to receive yours.

Lots of Hugs and Happy Christmas!



Sample greeting letter – # 8

Dear friend:

I have received your congratulations and I am very grateful. I have been very pleased with your affectionate memory, I did not expect it, and perhaps because of this, I liked it more. Too bad we are so far from each other because if not, we could meet in this holiday period.

I am sure there will be snow on the mountain and that you will have fun skiing. I envy you. We have a mild climate here, and for Christmas, I hope it will be sunny. I intend to write to you again more extensively. Today, I have to send so many greeting cards that a whole bottle of ink will need.

Mom has made a list of twenty or thirty names and addresses, but I write to you, and then I will have time to think about others. I thank you and send you a hundred hugs and a hundred sincere congratulations.



Sample greeting letter – No. 9

Distinguished lady teacher:

We have gathered to send our congratulations for the next holidays. Receive them with the same affection with which we send them. We are very sorry to upset you so often, and every time this happens, it causes us to regret; But we don’t do it on purpose.

Sometimes, talk about interesting things, without remembering to be in school. We do wrong and ask you to excuse us. Know what you do for us and thank you very much. We hope you will welcome our respectful and affectionate congratulations.

Students of the Third Course.

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