137 Examples of Research Paper Topics

Writing a research paper is one of the most challenging aspects of a student’s life. Throughout the final stages of college or university, you should undertake this type of work, ranging from the simplest (monographs, projects) to the most complex (university degrees, masters, doctorates).

This process will consume a lot of your time, so it is important to select an appropriate topic. There are many variables that you should consider before you start: your level of interest in the subject, experience in the field of study, available information, the audience it is addressed to, among other aspects.

Finding a suitable subject could be difficult, especially if you do not know where to start. For this reason, and with the aim of simplifying your life, below we have compiled some examples of scientific and social research topics to guide you and give you an idea of how to quickly start your project. Each of these topics could be used “as is” to develop your research project, or they can also serve as a starting point to develop your own ideas on the subject.


Health and Medicine Research Paper Topics

  • Barriers in the Ecuadorian National Health System for the formal introduction of the family doctor
  • Cost of treatment and monitoring of people with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) for the Ecuadorian social security institute “IESS” at the Carlos Andrade Marín Hospital (HCAM)
  • Physical activity and sports as determinants of health
  • Epidemiological profile of the external consultation service of general surgery of the Isidro Ayora de Loja Hospital during 2013
  • Smoking and its association with in-hospital mortality in patients with hemorrhagic stroke
  • Free amino acids of breast milk, its potential function in infants and milk banks in Ecuador
  • Analysis of the differences in mortality due to acute myocardial infarction in relation to the time elapsed before receiving medical attention between men and women in Ecuador
  • Feasibility study and technical, infrastructure and human sustainability for the implementation of the Telemedicine and Tele-health care model of the inhabitants of the city of Quito
  • Rheumatoid arthritis seronegative in patient with septic pulmonary complication.
  • Communicative processes in Andean ancestral medicine, Otavalo canton, Kotama community
  • Cutaneous ulcers in venous insufficiency in patients with chronic renal failure
  • Thyroid cancer and risk factors in patients seen at the Carlos Andrade Marín Hospital (HCAM) in 2017
  • Cost-effectiveness of screening strategies for cervical cancer in Ecuador
  • To determine the quality of life of patients who have been transplanted at the Eugenio Espejo Hospital in Quito, Ecuador
  • Most frequent complications in diabetic patients older than 65 years with ischemic cerebrovascular event. Study conducted at the Specialty Hospital Guayaquil, Dr. Abel Gilbert Pontoon from January to December 2015
  • Nutritional status of surgical oncological patients and their relationship with postoperative complications at the SOLCA Cancer Institute
  • Complications of acute diarrheal disease in children under 5 years of age study to be performed in the Pediatric Hospitalization Area of ​​the Basic Hospital Nicolás Coto Infante of the canton of Vinces in the period from January to December 2015
  • Current status of palliative care in health institutions in the city of Quito during the period August 2017 to December 2017.
  • Acute complications of ischemic cerebrovascular disease in adults aged 40 to 60 years, a study to be carried out at the Martín Icaza General Hospital, January to December 2016
  • Placental and fetal disorders associated with hypertensive syndromes in pregnancy at the “Enrique C. Sotomayor” Obstetric and Gynecological Hospital from January to December 2014


Education Research Paper Topics

  • Influence of visual motor coordination techniques in the cacography level, in the second year students of general basic education of the Quito Sur Educational Unit, zone 9, district 6, Pichincha, Quito, 2014-2015.
  • The participation of the mother and its incidence in the development of early stimulation in babies from zero to twelve months
  • Strategies of educational intervention that teachers use with children of high cognitive abilities and exceptional talents
  • Didactic methodologies in the logical reasoning of the elementary sub-level.
  • Child nutrition and its impact on the academic performance of the third-grade students of general basic education of the Corina Parral School of Velasco Ibarra, zone 5, district 02D03, Bolívar Province, San Miguel canton, central parish, period 2015-2016.
  • Interpersonal relationships in school coexistence.
  • Consequences of bullying in the development of self-esteem of the sixth-grade students of the Santa María de Guayas Educational Unit, zone 5, district 09D15, Guayas Province, El Empalme county, La Guayas parish, Santa María campus, Manga del Cura , 2016-2017 school period.
  • Reading of images in the quality of creative thinking in the second-grade students of the elementary level of the basic education level of the Juan León Mera Educational Unit.
  • Outdoor classrooms: a teaching and learning space in an initial education center in the north of the city of Quito that serves children from 3 to 4 years old
  • Reading techniques in reading comprehension in students of the elementary sub-level.
  • Teaching resources in meaningful learning of the medium sub-level.
  • Empathy and firmness: the relationship of the teacher and the student, with special educational needs linked to an intellectual disability.
  • Playful activities in the quality of logical mathematical thinking in the elementary basic sub-level third grade.
  • Basic intellectual operations in the development of critical thinking in the elementary sub-level.
  • Influence of family life on the quality of the affective social bond of children aged 3 – 4 years.
  • Motor skills for the development of corporal expression in children from 4 to 5 years of age.
  • Learning of the writing of children from five to six years with grafospasm.
  • Positive emotions to prevent the harmful effects of social and economic deprivation of children from 3 to 4 years.
  • Importance of education in emotional intelligence in children of three to four years in two educational units of Quito
  • The expression of the emotions of children aged 5 to 6 years with behavioral problems through drawing and the plastic arts.
  • Extracurricular activities and the club of natural sciences in the seventh and eighth years of basic education of the educational center Jerusalem of the Canton of Ambato province of Tungurahua
  • Extrinsic motivation and school performance in the fifth and sixth grades of the Juan Enrique Pestalozzi Basic Education school in the canton of Ambato
  • Situation of university mothers and the organization of their studies in the Faculty of Human Sciences and Education
  • Perspectives and outlines of education in South Korea
  • Homeschooling: education at home in Ecuador
  • Facebook in the academic performance of the students of the ninth grade of Basic Education of the Educational Unit José Julián Andrade of the city of San Gabriel, canton Montufar, province of Carchi
  • The learning experiences and the development of scientific thinking at the initial level of the Educational Unit “Josefa Calixto
  • The development of emotional intelligence through children’s literature in children 3 and 4 years old CDI “X” north of the city of Quito


Nursing Research Paper Topics

  • Nursing care in septic arthritis plus duodenal trauma plus ascariasis
  • Evaluation of the role of the nurse in the humanized delivery care protocol at the Guamaní Health Center during the last semester of 2017
  • Nursing care for the improvement of the physical and social well-being of the elderly in the comprehensive center of the elderly in the municipality of Quito
  • Compliance with nursing standards in patients with severe preclaimsia in areas of high obstetric risk at the Luz Elena Arismendi Obstetric Obstetrician Hospital in the first semester of 2017
  • Quality of nursing care in patients with diabetic foot treated in the area of ​​Internal Medicine of the Guasmo Sur General Hospital
  • Exercise of maternity-paternity and its influence on the academic work of the students of the Faculty of Health Sciences of the Technical University of Ambato
  • Use of medicinal plants as tranquilizer in Salasaca parish
  • Nursing care in a pediatric patient with mechanical intestinal obstruction and its influence on the quality of life
  • Factors that cause phlebitis in patients with peripheral routes in the hospitalization service of the hospital a song to the life of the city of Quito during the second semester of the year 2016
  • Importance of caregiver knowledge about cognitive stimuli in children with special cognitive needs from 5 to 10 years in the Manuel Espejo Educational Unit from November 2017 to January 2018
  • Influential psychosocial factors for the abandonment of treatment in multi drug resistant patients, hospitalized during the second quarter of 2017
  • Nursing care through compliance with quality standards in basic procedures of the Padre Carollo hospital from September to December 2016
  • Functional dependence of the patient with brain stem glioma and its relationship with opportunities for improvement
  • Nursing care in adolescent mothers during breastfeeding with “H” drug withdrawal in the General Sur Hospital
  • Validation of nursing care in the care of pregnant women consuming psychotropic substances in the health center # 5 year 2018.
  • Nursing intervention in protein caloric alteration due to child maltreatment and its influence with psychomotor development
  • Preference of the conventional treatment in front of the treatment with medicinal plants in older adults of the Barrio Bellavista- Canton Latacunga
  • Nursing role in the care of pregnant women with preeclampsia aged 20-30 years in the gynecology area of ​​Guasmo Sur Hospital
  • Factors that determine nursing care in extreme premature neonates from 25 to 28 weeks admitted to the ucin area of ​​the Hospital Roberto Gilbert Ponton, 2017
  • Knowledge of the family caregiver on the care and physiotherapy of the patient with Parkinson’s


Engineering Research Paper Topics

  • Design and proposal of the profile production process in rigid polyvinyl chloride (PVC) for furniture with chipboard, in the company Plastimax
  • Identification and evaluation of risks to occupational safety and health in a petroleum company and procedures for action in emergencies
  • Improvement of productivity through process management in the entire tilapia production line at Gran Manantial
  • Design of the production line for the manufacture of a new product: dehydrated fruit snacks as an entrepreneurship project PYMS Fityu
  • Detection of bovine mitochondrial DNA in feeds as part of the surveillance program for bovine spongiform encephalopathy in Ecuador
  • Design of the grandstand and visor of the stadium of the King of the East community in the Santa Clara canton of the province of Pastaza
  • Optimization of the control of the Regional Litoral Telecommunications services.
  • Improvement of the production process and reduction of nonconforming product in Plásticos Ecuatorianos SA based on the ISO 9001 – 2000 standard.
  • Feasibility study to install a mechanical metal plant dedicated to the manufacture of gondolas
  • Operational management to increase the production of metal constructions and services t & m


Chemistry Research Paper Topics

  • Study of the deposition of hydroxyapatite on metallic substrates for biomedical applications in the presence of magnetic fields and by electrochemical methods
  • Obtaining nanocellulose from cellulose from abaca tips.
  • Design of an effluent treatment plant from the production of urea-formaldehyde resin through the application of a modified Fenton process
  • Design of an effluent treatment plant from a dairy industry through electrocoagulation and filtration processes
  • Design of a rice husk processing plant for the production of amorphous silicon oxide and electric power
  • Study of the use of solvent recovery residues from the flexographic industry as an alternative fuel in a fixed source
  • Study of the effect of nanoadditives on the combustion efficiency of diesel and the net efficiency of a fixed combustion source
  • Evaluation of the production process of copper oxychloride from recycled copper at laboratory and pilot scales


Economics Research Paper Topics

    • Determinants of sector delinquency in Ecuador
    • Formal education and poverty in Ecuador
    • Social and economic determinants of alcohol consumption in Ecuador
    • Investment and business expectations in Ecuador
    • Sensitivity of Ecuadorian deposits against changes in short-term expectations: 2008-2015
    • Estimation of the opportunity cost of unpaid work (NRW) for women between 18 and 60 years of urban area in Ecuador (year 2010)
    • Foreign direct investment and tax burden in Ecuador, 2004-2015 period
    • Effects of lace and pseudo-lace policies on the monetary multiplier in the period 2007-2015


Law Research Paper Topics

  • The abuse of the situation of economic dependence as an assumption of unfair competition and not as an anti-competitive act of abuse of relevant power
  • The pathological clauses in the arbitration agreements and their legal effects
  • Local and international standards of children of persons deprived of liberty: analysis of the situation of the Center for the Deprivation of Liberty for priority groups in the city of Quito
  • Feasibility of maintaining self-regulation within the Stock Exchanges of Ecuador
  • The conditional suspension of the sentence and its reinsersor effect
  • The extraordinary protection action as a resource to be exhausted to access the organs of the IAHRS
  • The ineffectiveness of the action of repetition against public servants in the Ecuadorian legislation
  • Rooting measures in coercive procedures and their violation of the right of free movement
  • The unconstitutionality of the national leveling and admission system for access to higher education
  • The possible abuses of the creditor in the unilateral creation of a document that contains a monetary obligation, whose procedure is governed by monitoring
  • Current reform to paternity and maternity leave. Its possible reach in the families of Canton Shushufindi of the province of Sucumbíos
  • The admission and protection of the human rights of immigrants in Ecuador
  • The unconstitutionality of the reforms to the Organic Law of Citizen Participation on the revocation of the mandate
  • Affirmative actions as an effective mechanism for the participation of women in the judiciary: criminal courts of Pichincha


Administration Research Paper Topics

  • Analysis of the stakeholders as an input to the design of an advertising plan
  • University entrepreneurship model for SMEs: construct validation based on multivariate statistical methods
  • Creation of a company manufacturing solar thermal heaters with recycling materials for water heating
  • The quality of services from the perspective of the Servqual Model, in the Pelileo Indigenous Cooperatives
  • Business plan for the creation of a non-traditional equipment rental company for children’s events in the city of Quito
  • Business plan for the creation of a company dedicated to the manufacture and marketing of smart home furniture based on ecological wood and electromagnetic sensors that help reduce stress in the city of Quito
  • Business plan for the creation of an insurance advisory agency focused on small and medium-sized companies with headquarters in the city of Quito
  • Descriptive analysis of the exportable potential of bamboo bamboo cane for the creation of a cluster in zone 5 of Ecuador
  • The sectorial mark in the exports of flowers and its incidence in the Ecuadorian foreign trade
  • Analysis of the implementation of the green channel or automatic gauging on imports for consumption in the district of Guayaquil


Technology Research Paper Topics

  • Implementation of a chat bot with bot framework: case study, services to clients in the Equilibrium insurance bond area.
  • Mining of text of the web, of public opinion and facts referring to the La Floresta neighborhood
  • Development of a web system for the management and administration of the operational processes of the pathology laboratory of the Specialties Hospital Eugenio Espejo
  • Web application development for contracting and monitoring of inter provincial heavy cargo transport services in Ecuador
  • Development of a Business Intelligence system with free software for the analysis of a social network and its beneficiaries
  • Comparative analysis of the computational performance of a data-intensive distributed application in networks of devices and networks defined by software
  • Methodological proposal for migration of web systems with monolithic architecture towards an architecture based on micro services
  • Development of software design patterns for the implementation of accessible web applications for users with legal blindness, dichromatic color blindness and blurred vision
  • Analysis of Bluetooth technology for the development of wireless applications in Ecuador
  • Data warehousing: application of the Microsoft methodology for the implementation of a data warehouse in a financial and non-financial transactional services company
  • Basic principles and tools for network administration
  • Implementation of a Data Mart for the analysis of information of the sales area of ​​the company Riego Ecuador
  • Air quality prediction model based on meteorological data and traffic information
  • Implementation of a geolocation platform for pets in the Metropolitan District of Quito
  • Development of a web and mobile application for customer management by Yanbal consultants that will allow better management of your business.
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