339 Education Topics for Research

Hello Students, In this blog i will share a list of different examples of titles and topic ideas for research projects in both qualitative and quantitative approach to thesis of Education.

Examples of Titles & Topic Ideas for Education thesis:

  1. The most effective strategies for preventing bullying.
  2. Advantages and disadvantages of schooling throughout the year.
  3. A comparative study of educational systems in the United States and China.
  4. The most effective strategies for teacher leadership.
  5. A comparison of trials and standardized tests as a means to assess academic performance.
  6. The effects of a dress code.
  7. The commercialization of education: risks and benefits.
  8. Should they be unified with state education standards?
  9. The impact of political issues on the public education system.
  10. The concept of quality school.
  11. Classroom management
  12. Classroom procedures
  13. Education evaluation tools.
  14. Cessation projects.
  15. Peculiarities of the classrooms of the kindergarten.
  16. The effectiveness of character education programs.
  17. The role of student behavior policies in classroom management.
  18. The impact of classroom management on student behaviors.
  19. The efficiency of classroom management in reducing student stress.
  20. The theory and practice of educational games as a means to promote better learning.
  21. Management of the virtual classroom environment.
  22. Curricular development
  23. Learning branches
  24. CSCOPE Curriculum.
  25. Cultural pluralism in curricular development.
  26. Alignment of the curriculum.
  27. Implementation of the curriculum.
  28. Curriculums online.
  29. The approaches to the development of the lesson plan.
  30. Curricula of liberal education.
  31. Plans of study of the spiral.
  32. Teaching curricula
  33. Philosophy of education
  34. Academic honesty
  35. Advantages of private schools.
  36. Affirmative action in schools.
  37. Bilingual education ..
  38. The definition of Humanities.
  39. Holistic education
  40. Inclusion and education.
  41. The problem of negative attitudes of parents towards school.
  42. Parent participation.
  43. Simplistic classification: its use should be limited?
  44. Theories of education
  45. Tics in education
  46. Use of technology in education
  47. Mechanisms and strategies to stop bullying
  48. What foods improve student learning skills?
  49. Is there a correlation between a healthy diet and grades that positively affect students?
  50. Junk food and other unhealthy eating options are derived more from example or vending machines in parents’ schools?
  51. How more exercise benefit school learning?
  52. Obesity often begins at a young age; Does everyone affect students’ intelligence or school performance?
  53. Do students who participate in sports teams have better or worse grades of physical activity and tight schedule?
  54. Integration of technology in the school curriculum
  55. How do teachers use technology to teach better?
  56. Should not young people be exposed to computers, tablets, cell phones and the like until they are old enough to understand the possible dangers such as cyber-bullying?
  57. How can the teachers’ direction learn the subject of students in different ways?
  58. Traditional learning methods are very lacking in everyone helping to learn in their own way. How have schools taken into account the help that different students need for their individual learning method?
  59. How does learning differently affect student friends or are they intimidated by being different?
  60. Should parents or students decide if the student has to take a human sexuality course?
  61. Should it be mandatory no matter what parents or students want classes on puberty and appropriate information about STDs and pregnancy?
  62. Should schools let parents decide that their child take a sexuality class, or do students have something to say about what they want?
  63. Theory of Albert Bandura.
  64. Learning based on the brain.
  65. Cognitive theory.
  66. Theory of constructivist learning.
  67. Theory of cooperative learning.
  68. The theoretical basis of distant education.
  69. Howard’s theory.
  70. Influence of John Dewey on American education.
  71. Theory of motivation in the classroom.
  72. The concept of situated learning.
  73. Education of children with special needs
  74. Effects of divorce on children
  75. Building interconnection: A high school study and its expectations for its schools
  76. Childhood pain and loss: support and interventions used to promote healthy coping strategies
  77. The effects of extracurricular activities such as student’s perceived academic effectiveness
  78. An assessment of the effects of support groups and training skills to help abused children overcome their socialization and behavioral deficiencies
  79. Lack of housing and academic success among women
  80. Intervene when parents of children with disabilities are in denial
  81. Prevention and overcoming self-harm
  82. Emotional social learning: Development of emotional and social intelligence in students with incarcerated parents
  83. Academic success among minority students
  84. Address the intergenerational gap between students and teachers
  85. Can a school gardening project improve the attitudes and perceptions of elementary students grouped homogeneously?
  86. Childhood obesity
  87. Do Anti-Bullying Programs Work?
  88. How do teachers accommodate learning styles increase student probabilities to succeed?
  89. The effects of cooperative learning on student achievement
  90. The effects of external employment on the academic achievements of high school students
  91. The effects of student participation in organized and competitive sports on academic success
  92. Factors that influence a child’s decisions to read outside of school
  93. How does SES lower students in the school environment?
  94. How well did you like the girls who are experts in relational aggression?
  95. Impact of the family structure and the participation of parents in low socioeconomic areas in the reading development of 2nd grade students
  96. The impact of parental involvement in the academic performance of 3rd grade students
  97. Increased self-efficacy of students with learning disabilities
  98. Overcoming adversity: Death of a loved one
  99. Preparation of high school children for the University: attitudes about the University and its effect on student motivation
  100. The relationship between low socioeconomic status and student performance
  101. Perception of students in the school environment
  102. Social popularity and academic success
  103. Teachers as bullies
  104. Teacher attitudes and beliefs and the crucial role they play in the education of English language learners
  105. Education with hearing problems.
  106. Education of children with dyslexia.
  107. Education of ESL students.
  108. Education of gifted students. – Education thesis .
  109. Education of children with learning disabilities.
  110. History of special education.
  111. Special education policies in the United States and their effectiveness.
  112. Teaching of the blind.
  113. Autistic teaching
  114. Teach children with speech language pathology.
  115. Initial and primary education
  116. Education of babies and young children with learning disabilities.
  117. Problems in early childhood assessments.
  118. Early literacy.
  119. The impact of family participation on academic achievement.
  120. Early education of low-income children ..
  121. Career development programs in elementary schools.
  122. Character development programs in elementary schools.
  123. Address the diversity of learning in elementary schools.
  124. Challenges of curricular development in primary schools.
  125. Promote volunteering in primary schools to parents.
  126. “What is history?” A case study of the attitudes of young adults towards reading in Chile.
  127. Commitment in Lebanon after the war: barriers and paths in school learning
  128. Mediation of teacher learning through talk within a professional learning community: a case study.
  129. Reading comprehension option: an investigation of reading experiences based on the printing and computers of university students.
  130. Introduction of the standardized assessment in Croatia: matura and its effects on schools and teachers
  131. Versatility of critical leadership: from a practical perspective
  132. Topics related to algebra: a multiple case study in the elementary school classrooms.
  133. Building learning nurses at work: exploring the process and learning potential at work within a “Community of Practice” of the NHS
  134. Interactions between learning and identity: a case study of heritage and heritage learning not Chilean students.
  135. Difficulties experienced by children aged 7 to 11 years in public attention in Chile.
  136. The elaboration of the curriculum of citizenship in Chile: on the concepts of evolution of ‘good citizenship’ and ‘national identity’
  137. Skill mismatches among graduates of the University in Santiago: challenges for higher education and the labor market
  138. Introduction of technology in Cypriot primary music education: teacher’s exchange of thought and practice.
  139. A problem-based learning approach to develop the sense of fraction of students in Chile fifth grade: effects and challenges
  140. Ability to change the culture: an ethnographic study on the impact of culture on the adoption of ICT by the professor in a university faculty in Chile.
  141. A qualitative study of participatory critical pedagogy interventions for the development of women’s capacities: the case of widows in Santiago.
  142. The effect of incorporating a contrastive approach to teaching English learning in Chile.
  143. The impact of poverty on life and education of young caregivers in rural areas.
  144. Ideas of students in astronomy: science or fiction?
  145. Between times: growth in the history of the future in dystopian literature of the young adult
  146. Ethnic expectations: the politics of panic and praise in the schooling of young Chileans in London and New York
  147. Education for international understanding: British high schools, educational trips and cultural exchange, 1919-1939
  148. Negotiation of practices and identity: the case of English as a foreign language classrooms in Chile.
  149. The nature of individual instrumental / vocal pedagogy in music Conservatory settings: two cases of a Conservatory.
  150. Musical game and self-regulation: an exploration of 6-8 years and play sessions self-regulating behaviors of children during the musical in basic schools.
  151. Criminal facts, absence, silence: explore English policies in education in Chile from a political sociology perspective
  152. The effectiveness of methods incorporating exhaustive sequences for the development of oral fluency of foreign language teaching
  153. Written in bidialectal configuration and the challenges faced by immigrant students at school
  154. Chilean parents of higher education in Chile: origins
  155. To facilitate approaches to understand the concrete music class composing in secondary schools in Ireland: towards a pedagogy.
  156. Leadership in Chile: perspectives of educational effectiveness.
  157. Infidelity of application or alignment aligned? Explore tutors interpretations and promulgations of capture up to math, primary
  158. Intervention of mathematics.
  159. Development of children a sense of agency learning through their transition between preschool and first grade in Chile.
  160. Research on the perceived impacts of the creativity program and imagining the future of education (PCIFE).
  161. Conceptions and practices of teacher classroom evaluation: case studies of primary Chile and secondary school teachers.
  162. Identities of children as language users: a case study of key nine stage 2 students with a range of language profiles
  163. The cultural policy of the middle class parents options and practices to ensure the quality of teaching (e) in advanced neoliberal times. A Chilean case study.
  164. Outputs, voices and social inequality: a study of mixed methods of school selection and parental involvement in Santiago.
  165. Touching the intangible: encounters of high school students with, explorations and discoveries about the symmetry group of the Plaza
  166. The hidden child: orality and textuality, children’s poetry.
  167. Multilingualism and metalinguistic development in context:
  168. A comparative analysis of metalinguistic mediation in the learning of English as a foreign language by students of limited resources.
  169. Persistence of the student in the STEM fields: student structures and options in Chile, Sweden and the United States of the school.
  170. Love and longing; an exploration of the understanding and experience of sexuality among single young women.
  171. Out in: study case studies abroad of effects on the self-concept of Latin American university students.
  172. Research: qualitative, multiple case study, designed to investigate the interconnections between fiction for young adults and constructions young adults readers inside and beyond the text.
  173. Relationships between the regulation of emotion and inhibitory control. Developmental differences using neuronal and behavioral markers
  174. Facets, central variable of understanding of the advanced level students of DC circuits and common frames.
  175. From authoritarian adult to powerful child: dynamic adult-energy in children’s literature politically transforming.
  176. The expression and regulation of the emotion of children in the classroom: a perspective of development in the theory of evaluation.
  177. Genetic education, talk about science and dialogical pedagogy: develop the concept of school science from 14 to 16 years of age of genetics and inheritance, in the context of health and illness.
  178. A non-positional teacher leadership approach to school improvement: an action research study in Chile.
  179. Private education in Chile: a multiple case study of social stratification and social change.
  180. Improve the teaching and learning of critical thinking through the curriculum: an empirical study using qualitative methods.
  181. Motivation, barriers against and prediction based on theory of Chilean students’ decisions to study abroad.
  182. ‘Communities of musical practice’: an investigation on how they develop in politics and practice in a Chilean context.
  183. Construction of linguistic attitudes in multilingual Chile: linguistic ethnography fingers primary schools.
  184. Interaction of musical group: mechanisms and effects.
  185. Negotiations of white child workers from school experience and commitment ..
  186. ‘What is racism in Chile? Analysis.
  187. An exploratory study mixes Chilean teachers’ beliefs regarding mathematical knowledge, their learning and teaching.
  188. The effects of instruction oriented in isolation and integrated into the primary classroom of English-as-a-foreign language: a quasi-experimental study.
  189. Drag on 5-year-old children: temporal accuracy at four isochronous rates and their impact on phonological awareness and reading development.
  190. Identity construction in multicultural classrooms: a transnational study of the experience of immigrant background children in elementary schools in French and English.
  191. Higher education and the transformation of cultural capital: rural students in an elite Chilean University.
  192. New feminism in Chile: a qualitative study of fourteen Chilean middle-class women in a dominant state university in Santiago.
  193. Children creating and responding to children’s art.
  194. Study of mixed methods of access to higher education in Chile: location matters?
  195. A study of the life history of Chilean master identities from a post-structural feminist perspective.
  196. Beautiful little moments: an ethnographic study mainly of the pedagogies of eight artists east of Concepción.
  197. Clarify the field of beliefs related to student mathematics: development of measurement scales for students 14/15 years of age.
  198. A step away from where it used to be: the development of professional knowledge of teacher educators in a Chilean University.
  199. An exploration of how a pedagogy based on drama can promote the understanding of chemical concepts in science students from 11 to 15 years.
  200. Lessons for learning: how teachers learn in the contexts of study of the lesson.
  201. Investigation of the effectiveness of approaches to the teaching of reading comprehension.
  202. An important but underestimated task ‘: a study of work schemes in history.
  203. What are the issues that arise from the location of Global Education.
  204. Working group and the learning of critical thinking in liberal studies in secondary schools in Santiago, Chile.
  205. The reconstruction of childhood: a study of the community of child labor and schooling.
  206. Learning to speak and speak to learn: how spontaneous teacher-student interaction in the secondary classroom of foreign languages ​​can provide greater opportunity.
  207. Compositional development of high school music students with computer environments in the classroom communities.
  208. A study of national identity in visual texts in Chile.
  209. A collaborative action for the development of tutors: a case of teaching about HIV and AIDS in a school.
  210. The construction of “learning cultures”: an ethnographically informed case study of a Conservatory.
  211. Leadership in the context of the school: three portraits.
  212. The impact of a government sponsored by the ICT training program on the perceptions of English language secondary school teachers towards ICT and the practical classroom.
  213. Metacognitive skills and executive functions: an analysis of relationships and development in young children.
  214. A case study of the Chilean policy agenda of disadvantaged primary schools: their challenges?
  215. Formulation of educational policies in post-communist Ukraine: policies, subjectivities, rationalities, energy: a Foucaultian perspective.
  216. Emancipation and Education of the working class.
  217. Autonomy, foreign language learning and technology: a study on the use of a virtual learning environment in an advanced level adult class.
  218. The automatic processing of symbolic numerical magnitudes.
  219. Reflection, change and reconstruction in the context of educational reform and innovation in Chile: towards an integrated framework that focuses on the practice of reflective teaching for the professional development of English teachers.
  220. Mature women university students and society: the dynamic interface of agency and structure in the historical process.
  221. Educational trajectories of rural students in an elite university: Inexperience of learning and beyond.
  222. Educate daughters, educate children: mothers and school in rural area of ​​Chile.
  223. Exploration of beliefs and practices with technology in Chile primary teachers.
  224. Cognition of the teacher in the context of instruction based on content in English as a second language: a case study of Science and English for science and technology teachers (EST) in rural areas of Chile.
  225. Beyond the doors of learning: user fees, demand for education and school finance in new paradigms.
  226. Education on HIV / AIDS, sexuality and gender relations: a study of the cultures of Chile’s youth.
  227. The development of L2 motivation of Japanese students of English as a foreign language.
  228. Improve the revision of high school students of concepts of physics through the discussion between computers and prescriptive tutoring.
  229. Opinions of directors of schools of external support, challenge and critical friendship.
  230. Qualitative studies of professional knowledge and teaching practices.
  231. An exploration of how teachers use student consultation strategies to inform the development of their classroom assessment practices.
  232. Solution of primary mathematics problems: a comparative analysis of the beliefs of future teachers in Chile.
  233. Construction and negotiation in the second gender language learning course: a case study of Chilean students who learn English as a foreign language in a state high school
  234. Complex, dynamic and co-adaptive systems: a study of beliefs of teachers of English as a foreign language teaching and learning in the context of secondary schools in Chile.
  235. The imprint of the business rules in American education.
  236. The role of student participation in the evaluation process: a multiple case study investigating the impact of two approaches to student assessment in the learning of adult oral English students.
  237. A sociocultural perspective of the teaching identity of English teachers of basic education.
  238. An exploration of the relationship between children’s comprehension of global emotion and the quality of friendship.
  239. The digital world of early adolescents: a study about the use of digital technology to communicate emotionally.
  240. The construction of mathematical knowledge by students in all kinds of conversation.
  241. The effect of linguistic, phonetic and lexical factors on phonological skills and the acquisition of reading in Spanish: a longitudinal study.
  242. Reexamined aspirations: a capacity approach to expand participation in higher education.
  243. The social construction of ideas about English: case studies in a Chilean city.
  244. Theorizing progressivism: an examination of the life and work of AS Neill and Susan Isaacs through the contexts related to intentionality.
  245. The leadership journey along the road to school improvement continues.
  246. Basic auditory processing skills and phonological awareness in good and bad readers of low IQ and often develop controls.
  247. That men: a comparative study of the reason for being, nature and importance of sport in public schools in Chile.
  248. Transitions from schooling to higher education and careers: a case study of the students of two elite academic schools in contemporary Chile.
  249. The role of self-regulation in motor learning: exploring oneself regulates motor performance of children with developmental coordination disorder.
  250. Reading and Home Programs: its impact on value in a Chilean city and English-speaking countries.
  251. Innate non-verbal numerical representations and mental abacus.
  252. Improve the revision of high school students of concepts of physics through the discussion between computers and prescriptive tutoring.
  253. Construction of fit setting environment: early adolescent psychological development and their attitudes toward school in middle and high school environments.
  254. Development of skills: a sociological study of languages ​​in education in Chile.
  255. With the knowledge quartet to develop early career teachers primary content mathematical knowledge: a longitudinal study.
  256. The development of numerical processing skills in years 1, 2 and 3: relationships between education and measures of cognitive neuroscience and academic performance.
  257. Dyslexia in the Arabic language: graphic characteristics of the Arabic text and reading of precision in the context of reading instruction in Chile.
  258. Comparison of proficiency levels in an evaluation context: the concept of reading for high school students.
  259. Towards the improvement of the teaching of English of writing in higher education in Chile.
  260. Education of girls in Colonial Chile.
  261. Develop mathematical knowledge for teaching: a study of three levels of teachers before the educational service.
  262. Interrelationships in the socio-cognitive development of children: the case of the understanding of false belief.
  263. Doing same, making worlds: an ethnographic account of the use of young people in the visual material culture.
  264. Development of a framework to understand the enrichment of mathematics in Chile.
  265. Self-regulated learning and conceptual development in Biology: a naturalistic study with primary school children.
  266. Slow progress towards interculturality: a study of the trajectory of the Chilean multicultural educational policy in the context of South America.
  267. Ownership in learning: a sociocultural perspective in the agency in the classroom, collaboration and commitment of the student.
  268. Exploring the sexuality of young people in a poor community in Chile: a case study.
  269. Learning as negotiation in communities of practice: an ethnographic study of teacher learning at work in a university department of English education in Chile.
  270. Motivation to learn English in classrooms with native English speaking teachers in Chile.
  271. Getting along with their peers in elementary schools: an exploration of the social status of students has special educational needs in Santiago.
  272. Exterior life, inner world: childhood in rural areas of Chile.
  273. Knowledge of the content of the Chilean government and what the teachers are and their relationship with their teaching.
  274. The pattern of physics to solve problems from the perspective of metacognition.
  275. Between the streets and the schools: an investigation about young people and their path towards educational inclusion in Chile.
  276. Inclusive education: exploring opportunities for change and resistance to hegemony in three autonomous schools in the city of Antofagasta.
  277. A study of the participation in the choice of higher education of children in Chile: habitus, cultural, social and economic capital and educational inequality.
  278. Primary childhood pedagogy: a study of professors speech and practice in Talca.
  279. The negotiation of distant place: learning about Chile in other countries.
  280. Identity of citizenship and belonging: a study of Chilean youth in the military era.
  281. Equality in gender education: a case study of the responses of international agendas.
  282. Through critical discourse analysis in the exploration of the nature of communication among school participants: a case study of an International Baccalaureate Diploma program, which primarily serves Chilean students.
  283. Self-efficacy beliefs and social comparison processes in the context of the transfer from primary to secondary.
  284. Parent participation, school strategies and reading in elementary schools in Chile.
  285. Self and explanation in children with learning difficulties.
  286. The application of computer concept maps in schools.
  287. The way of the heart: a study of the education of the emotions in the configuration in Chile.
  288. A study of the introduction of school self-evaluation in conception and Chile in general.
  289. A critical examination of the objectives of political education as a constitutive part of education for citizenship: with special reference to the contemporary politics of Chile.
  290. Science and religion in Chile primary education: students attitudes and perspectives.
  291. A phenomenological approach to students understanding psychological adjustment and integration in the social and academic systems of higher education.
  292. A comparative analysis of the mathematical academic concepts and professional use of computational algebra systems in mathematics of the University.
  293. Power and resistance: the study of gender education policy in Iquique.
  294. Become a reader in the digital age: the perceptions of children who start school.
  295. Exploring the anxiety of literature among students of English literature at the University of Chile.
  296. Parents and children working together: an analysis of the interactions between parents and children during the activities related to the study and its impact on learning.
  297. Explore the role of students’ emotional intelligence away: an investigation of distance students.
  298. Instrumental music teachers identity and practice in a music department Chilean University.
  299. Science through the learning experience: a live science science internship program for upper secondary students.
  300. City of good neighbors: access to students and activation of social capital in public schools.
  301. The sustainability of schools with a history of failures: viability, performance trends and social capital.
  302. The role of high performance organizational structures of development schools as learning communities.
  303. Opportunities for participation: use of sign language with hearing children in a classroom of the first years.
  304. Application of performance management in primary schools.
  305. Parent participation in children’s learning: a cross-cultural study.
  306. Teachers and assistant teachers working together: support and inclusion in a secondary school.
  307. Kindergarten children: identities and experiences.
  308. Perspectives of students in the ecumenical dimension of formation for Christian Ministry: a case study.
  309. Explore the utility of student self-control behavior in schools: reconsider antisocial behavior within the inclusion project.
  310. Investigate educational policy responses for children’s work: points of view and approaches.
  311. Autonomy of the student in schools: contemporary and previous thinking and practice.
  312. The education of emotions: the development and study of a program to educate the emotions of children in a basic elementary school in Chile.
  313. History, museums and national identity in a divided country: children’s experience of education Museum of Chile.
  314. Consultation of students in the teaching and learning classroom: policy, practice and response in a school.
  315. Picture of thinking: the development of visual literacy in young children.
  316. The moral ecology of youth in the municipality of southern Chile.
  317. An ethic of self-determination.
  318. Teaching and learning through dialogue in basic primary classrooms in Chile.
  319. An exploratory study of the association between school absenteeism and persecution parents in Santiago de Chile.
  320. Identification and programming mathematically endowed with learning difficulties.
  321. Negotiation of political identities: responses of white and Turkish students to national and multicultural agendas in Europe and Chile.
  322. The influence of ICT in the learning and use of the language for English language students in Chile.
  323. Informal education in the democracy of Chilean women through dissemination during the dictatorship.
  324. Moral development in middle childhood: a comparison of interventions in.
  325. Towards a national system for the evaluation of higher education in Chile.
  326. The role of the school in the fight against political separation: the justification of the deliberative of citizenship as a strategy for the promotion of political virtue.
  327. Students with dyslexia speak: what high school students say about teaching and learning in Santiago.
  328. A sociological analysis of the constructions of Chilean studies: perspectives of the two countries.
  329. Transition from home to kindergarten: case studies of strategic actions of children.
  330. The development of Chilean teachers as perceived stress scale (TTPSS) in primary and secondary.
  331. The sociology of global education: power, pedagogy and practice.
  332. The character of ‘intelligent science teaching’ in schools in Malaysia and its effects on student attitudes, process skills and achievement.
  333. Research planning in the context of the community and the multilingual foreign language school: a critical analysis of data from two urban high schools in Chile.
  334. Women in science, engineering and technology: research in the field of activity.
  335. An analysis of the importance of residence in the University during the end of the century.
  336. A study of pedagogical attention in 14 secondary schools in the Biobío region.
  337. Understand and theorize disability policy: a case study of the Chilean disability movement.
  338. A study of the practice of teacher feedback and its relation to learning in the context of three high schools in Santiago.
  339. Professional thinking about the successful use of resources and media in the secondary science classroom.
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