150+ Economics Research Topics

Below is a list of different examples of titles and topic ideas for research projects in both qualitative and quantitative approach to thesis of economics.

Examples of Titles & Topic Ideas for Economics Thesis:

  • Analyze the relationship between central bank policies and national economic performance.
  • Study the causes and consequences of income inequality in different countries.
  • Examine the effects of globalization on international trade and local economies.
  • Investigate how psychological factors influence economic decision-making.
  • Explore the economic costs and benefits of addressing climate change.
  • Analyze the effectiveness of government interventions in market economies.
  • Study the impact of cryptocurrencies on traditional financial systems and economies.
  • Examine trends in employment, unemployment, and wages.
  • Analyze how immigration affects host and home country economies.
  • Investigate the economic implications of healthcare policies and systems.
  • Study the factors driving economic growth in developing countries.
  • Analyze the impact of government spending and taxation on economic stability.
  • Explore how technological advancements drive economic transformation.
  • Examine the relationship between urban development and economic growth.
  • Study the impact of education on workforce productivity and economic development.
  • Investigate the economic challenges and opportunities in the agricultural sector.
  • Analyze the causes and consequences of economic crises and the effectiveness of recovery measures.
  • Examine the role and impact of international financial markets on global economies.
  • Study the impact of income distribution on social welfare and economic stability.
  • Investigate how consumer confidence influences economic indicators and overall economic health.
  • Analyze the relationship between corporate governance practices and economic performance.
  • Study the impact of tax policies on individual and corporate economic behavior.
  • Examine the economic implications of energy production, consumption, and policy.
  • Explore how innovation drives economic growth and competitiveness.
  • Investigate the effectiveness of economic policies in reducing poverty.
  • Study the impact of international aid on economic development in recipient countries.
  • Analyze the effects of regional trade agreements on economic integration and growth.
  • Examine the impact of the gig economy on traditional labor markets and employment patterns.
  • Study the role and impact of public sector activities on economic performance.
  • Investigate how behavioral biases affect financial decision-making and market outcomes.

Microeconomics Research Topics:

Home Economics:

  • Investigate the impact of sustainable practices on household energy consumption and waste reduction.
  • Examine the effectiveness of incorporating nutritional education into school curricula and its impact on students’ eating habits.
  • Assess the importance of financial literacy programs in managing household budgets and preventing debt.
  • Explore how technology, including smartphones and social media, influences family relationships and communication.
  • Analyze the challenges and opportunities faced by home-based businesses, particularly in the context of economic stability.
  • Study how traditional and evolving gender roles affect the division of labor and responsibilities within households.
  • Research traditional and modern food preservation methods and their efficacy in extending the shelf life of perishable items.
  • Investigate consumer attitudes and behaviors towards purchasing eco-friendly products for home use.
  • Examine the impact of parental involvement in early childhood education and development.
  • Explore strategies for preventing common household accidents and promoting safety in the home environment.

Behavioral Economics:

  • Investigate how the fear of losses can lead to suboptimal investment strategies and portfolio choices.
  • Study how mental shortcuts or rules of thumb (like the availability heuristic or anchoring) affect consumer purchasing behavior.
  • Explore how small changes in the way choices are presented (nudges) can influence people’s decisions in areas like health, finance, and environmental conservation.
  • Examine how individuals’ preferences change over time, leading to procrastination and difficulties in long-term planning.
  • Analyze how behavioral economics can inform the design and implementation of public policies to improve outcomes in areas such as taxation, education, and social welfare.
  • Investigate how social norms and peer pressure shape economic behaviors like saving, spending, and charitable giving.
  • Study how psychological factors influence how consumers perceive prices and value, including phenomena like price anchoring and the decoy effect.
  • Explore how psychological biases and irrational behaviors contribute to market anomalies, such as bubbles and crashes.
  • Investigate how decision fatigue affects economic decision-making and the quality of choices made over time.
  • Study the role of emotions, such as fear, joy, and anger, in influencing economic decisions in contexts like gambling, investing, and consumer spending.

Health Economics:

  • Investigate how different types of health insurance (public vs. private) affect health outcomes and access to care.
  • Analyze the economic benefits of preventive health measures, such as vaccinations, screenings, and lifestyle interventions.
  • Examine the direct and indirect costs associated with chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.
  • Study the relationship between healthcare spending and overall economic growth in different countries or regions.
  • Assess the impact of drug pricing policies and market regulations on drug availability, affordability, and innovation.
  • Explore disparities in healthcare access and outcomes based on socioeconomic status, race, gender, or geographic location.
  • Investigate the role of HTAs in decision-making processes for new medical technologies and their impact on healthcare costs and quality.
  • Analyze the economic challenges and opportunities associated with aging populations, including healthcare costs and workforce implications.
  • Study how cognitive biases and heuristics influence health-related decisions by patients, providers, and policymakers.
  • Examine the effects of global health programs, such as those targeting HIV/AIDS, malaria, or tuberculosis, on local economies and healthcare systems.

Agricultural Economics:

  • Investigate how changing climate conditions affect crop yields and farm income.
  • Analyze the cost-benefit of adopting sustainable practices such as organic farming, permaculture, or agroforestry.
  • Examine the barriers smallholder farmers face in accessing markets and how these can be overcome.
  • Study the role of government subsidies in ensuring food security and their impact on market prices.
  • Assess the economic impact of technological advancements like precision farming, GMOs, and automated machinery.
  • Analyze how global trade agreements and policies affect agricultural exports from developing countries.
  • Investigate the role of microfinance in supporting small-scale farmers and its impact on agricultural productivity.
  • Explore the efficiency of agricultural supply chains and the role of logistics in reducing post-harvest losses.
  • Study the economics of farm labor, including the impact of migration patterns on agricultural labor markets.
  • Examine how different land tenure systems influence agricultural productivity and rural development.

Financial Economics:

  • Investigate how psychological factors and cognitive biases affect financial markets and lead to anomalies.
  • Analyze how financial technology (Fintech) innovations, such as mobile banking and blockchain, are disrupting traditional banking models.
  • Study the role of cryptocurrencies in financial markets, their volatility, and regulatory challenges.
  • Examine the methods used by financial institutions to manage various types of risks, including credit risk, market risk, and operational risk.
  • Analyze the relationship between corporate governance structures and the financial performance of firms.
  • Investigate the impact of regulatory policies on the stability and efficiency of financial markets.
  • Study the effects of high-frequency trading on market liquidity, price discovery, and volatility.
  • Explore the causes and consequences of financial crises, with a focus on systemic risk and contagion effects.
  • Examine the determinants of a firm’s capital structure and how it affects the firm’s value and cost of capital.
  • Analyze the factors influencing exchange rates and their impact on international trade and investment.

Business Economics:

  • Exploring how globalization has affected the growth, sustainability, and competitive strategies of SMEs.
  • Analyzing how advancements in technology influence economic development and productivity across different industries.
  • Investigating how psychological factors and cognitive biases affect business decisions and market outcomes.
  • Examining the relationship between a company’s CSR initiatives and its financial performance.
  • Assessing the short-term and long-term economic impacts of mergers and acquisitions on companies and markets.
  • Evaluating how disruptions in global supply chains, such as those caused by pandemics or geopolitical tensions, affect economic stability and business operations.
  • Analyzing the rise of the gig economy and its implications for traditional labor markets, worker rights, and economic policy.
  • Investigating the balance between sustainability initiatives and their economic impact on businesses.
  • Exploring the factors that drive innovation and entrepreneurial activity and their effects on economic growth and development.
  • Studying how different trade policies and agreements affect domestic economic performance, industry competitiveness, and consumer welfare.

Sports Economics:

  • Assessing the short-term and long-term economic effects of events like the Olympics, World Cup, or Super Bowl on host cities and countries.
  • Analyzing the financial health and sustainability of professional sports teams in various leagues.
  • Investigating how sports sponsorships influence brand recognition, consumer behavior, and company revenues.
  • Examining how player transfer fees and salaries impact team finances, competitive balance, and league economics.
  • Evaluating the economic justification and outcomes of using public funds to build sports stadiums.
  • Exploring how local sports teams and events affect economic activities, job creation, and business growth in their communities.
  • Analyzing the financial dynamics of sports broadcasting rights, including their impact on teams, leagues, and media companies.
  • Investigating the economic implications of sports betting, including its effects on sports integrity, fan engagement, and government revenues.
  • Examining the economic factors contributing to the gender pay gap in professional sports and potential solutions.
  • Assessing the economic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic on sports leagues, teams, and related industries.

Labor Economics:

  • Analyzing how changes in the minimum wage affect employment levels, particularly among low-skilled workers.
  • Investigating the implications of gig economy jobs on worker income, job security, and overall welfare.
  • Examining the factors contributing to the gender wage gap and evaluating policies aimed at reducing this disparity.
  • Exploring how technological advancements in automation and artificial intelligence influence job displacement and the demand for different skills.
  • Assessing the economic integration of immigrants into the labor market and the impact of immigration policies on employment outcomes.
  • Analyzing the relationship between workplace diversity and productivity, including the economic benefits and challenges of diverse work environments.
  • Investigating the effects of labor unions on wages, job security, and overall labor market outcomes.
  • Studying the rise of remote work, its impact on productivity, work-life balance, and urban economies.
  • Exploring the causes of youth unemployment and evaluating the effectiveness of various policy interventions to address this issue.
  • Examining how different levels of education and vocational training impact employment prospects and earnings across various industries.

Macroeconomics Research Topics:

Development Economics:

  • Evaluating the effectiveness of microfinance institutions in reducing poverty and improving living standards in developing countries.
  • Analyzing the relationship between investment in education and long-term economic growth in low-income countries.
  • Assessing the economic impact of public health interventions, such as vaccination programs or sanitation improvements, in developing regions.
  • Investigating how gender equality in education, employment, and entrepreneurship contributes to overall economic development.
  • Exploring strategies to increase agricultural productivity and their effects on food security and rural livelihoods.
  • Studying the economic consequences of rapid urbanization and the challenges and opportunities it presents for developing countries.
  • Examining the effectiveness of foreign aid in promoting sustainable economic development and reducing poverty.
  • Analyzing the role and dynamics of the informal economy in developing countries and its implications for labor market policies.
  • Investigating the impact of technology adoption, particularly information and communication technologies (ICT), on economic growth and development.
  • Assessing the economic vulnerability of developing countries to climate change and exploring adaptive strategies to mitigate its impacts.

Environmental Economics:

  • Analyzing the economic costs and benefits of climate change on different sectors such as agriculture, health, and infrastructure.
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of carbon pricing mechanisms and emissions trading systems in reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Investigating the economic viability and impacts of transitioning to renewable energy sources, including wind, solar, and bioenergy.
  • Assessing the effectiveness and efficiency of environmental regulations and policies, such as the Clean Air Act or the Paris Agreement.
  • Exploring economic strategies for the sustainable management of natural resources, including water, forests, and fisheries.
  • Estimating the economic value of ecosystem services, such as pollination, water purification, and carbon sequestration.
  • Analyzing the role of innovation and technology in promoting environmental sustainability and economic growth.
  • Studying the economic aspects of waste management, including recycling, landfill use, and waste-to-energy technologies.
  • Evaluating the economic benefits and costs of biodiversity conservation efforts and their impact on local and global economies.
  • Investigating the economic dimensions of environmental justice, focusing on how environmental policies and practices affect different socioeconomic groups.

Monetary Economics:

  • Exploring the implications, design, and potential economic impacts of CBDCs on the monetary system and financial stability.
  • Analyzing the relationship between monetary policy and financial stability, particularly in the context of unconventional monetary policies such as quantitative easing.
  • Comparing the effectiveness of inflation targeting and price level targeting frameworks in achieving macroeconomic stability.
  • Investigating the challenges and effectiveness of monetary policy when interest rates are at or below zero.
  • Assessing the impact of cryptocurrencies on traditional monetary policy and the implications for central banks.
  • Studying the channels through which monetary policy affects the economy, including the credit channel, interest rate channel, and exchange rate channel.
  • Analyzing how expectations of households, firms, and financial markets influence the effectiveness of monetary policy.
  • Investigating the unique challenges and strategies for conducting monetary policy in emerging market economies.
  • Exploring the validity and relevance of the Phillips Curve in explaining the relationship between unemployment and inflation in the modern economy.
  • Evaluating the importance of central bank independence for effective monetary policy and the mechanisms for ensuring accountability and transparency.

Fiscal Policy

  • Investigating the size and impact of fiscal multipliers on economic growth, particularly during recessions and expansions.
  • Analyzing the conditions under which public debt becomes unsustainable and the implications for fiscal policy.
  • Studying the effects of different tax policies on income inequality and the redistribution of wealth.
  • Assessing the effectiveness of fiscal stimulus measures in promoting economic recovery during and after economic downturns.
  • Exploring how different types of government spending (e.g., infrastructure, education, healthcare) affect long-term economic growth.
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of fiscal rules, such as balanced budget requirements and debt brakes, in promoting fiscal discipline.
  • Investigating how automatic stabilizers, such as unemployment benefits and progressive taxes, help to stabilize the economy during economic fluctuations.
  • Analyzing the impact of fiscal decentralization on economic performance, public service delivery, and regional inequalities.
  • Studying the extent to which public investment crowds out or crowds in private sector investment.
  • Exploring the fiscal challenges posed by aging populations and the policy measures required to address them.


  • Analyzing historical cases of hyperinflation to understand their causes, economic impacts, and the policies that successfully stabilized the economy.
  • Investigating how inflation expectations influence consumer behavior, wage setting, and business investment decisions.
  • Exploring the contemporary relevance of the Phillips Curve and the relationship between inflation and unemployment.
  • Assessing the effectiveness of different monetary policy strategies, such as inflation targeting and interest rate adjustments, in controlling inflation.
  • Studying the impact of supply chain disruptions, such as those caused by pandemics or trade conflicts, on inflation rates.
  • Analyzing how inflation affects income distribution and the purchasing power of different socioeconomic groups.
  • Investigating how globalization and international trade influence domestic inflation rates.
  • Differentiating between cost-push and demand-pull inflation and analyzing their respective causes and impacts on the economy.
  • Comparing the drivers and consequences of inflation in emerging markets with those in developed economies.
  • Exploring how technological advancements and increased productivity affect inflation rates in various sectors of the economy.


  • Analyzing the distinction between structural and cyclical unemployment and their respective impacts on the economy.
  • Investigating the causes and consequences of youth unemployment, including its effects on future career prospects and earnings potential.
  • Studying the challenges faced by long-term unemployed individuals in reentering the labor market and effective policy interventions.
  • Assessing the impact of unemployment insurance policies on job search behavior, unemployment duration, and labor market outcomes.
  • Analyzing the role of skill mismatches in contributing to unemployment rates and the implications for education and training policies.
  • Exploring the factors contributing to regional variations in unemployment rates and policies to address regional disparities.
  • Investigating the growth of the gig economy and its impact on traditional employment patterns and unemployment rates.
  • Studying how factors such as race, gender, ethnicity, and disability contribute to differential unemployment rates and labor market outcomes.
  • Analyzing the relationship between unemployment and mental health outcomes, including stress, depression, and anxiety.
  • Examining the dynamics of unemployment during economic crises, including the factors that exacerbate or mitigate its effects on the labor market.

Public Finance:

  • Analyzing the impact of different tax policies on economic growth, productivity, and investment.
  • Studying the factors influencing government debt sustainability and the implications for fiscal policy.
  • Assessing the efficiency of public sector service delivery, including education, healthcare, and infrastructure.
  • Exploring the allocation of fiscal responsibilities and revenue sharing arrangements among different levels of government.
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of PPPs in financing and delivering public infrastructure projects.
  • Analyzing the economic impact and effectiveness of social insurance programs, such as social security and unemployment benefits, in reducing income inequality.
  • Studying behavioral factors influencing tax compliance and the effectiveness of policy interventions to enhance compliance.
  • Investigating the provision of public goods, such as environmental conservation and national defense, and the challenges of collective action.
  • Analyzing the economic costs of corruption in public finance and strategies to mitigate its effects.
  • Assessing the impact of gender-responsive budgeting on promoting gender equality and economic empowerment.

Economic Growth

  • Investigating the role of education, health, and skills development in promoting long-term economic growth.
  • Analyzing the impact of technological advancements and innovation on economic growth across different sectors and countries.
  • Studying the relationship between infrastructure investment, including transportation, energy, and digital infrastructure, and economic growth.
  • Assessing how international trade, including trade policies and agreements, contributes to economic growth and development.
  • Investigating the role of financial markets, institutions, and access to credit in promoting economic growth.
  • Analyzing the sustainable use of natural resources and their contribution to economic growth, while considering environmental impacts.
  • Studying the impact of political and economic institutions, including property rights protection and rule of law, on long-term economic growth.
  • Exploring the factors contributing to regional variations in economic growth rates and policies to promote balanced regional development.
  • Assessing the role of entrepreneurship, startups, and small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in fostering economic growth and innovation.
  • Comparing the drivers and challenges of economic growth in emerging markets with those in developed economies, including policy implications.
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