Digital Economy Thesis Topics

In this new blog post we will develop some ideas for topics of the thesis of Digital Economy. First of all, we go into what economists call the fourth industrial revolution that consists of the convergence of different technological currents allowing changes in all the economic areas of industry, health and commerce. Including education. According to this, Schwab, author of the book The Fourth Industrial Revolution:

We are on the verge of a technological revolution that will fundamentally modify the way we live, work and relate. In its scale, scope and complexity, the transformation will be different from anything that the human race has experienced before.

Therefore, the economy will also be incorporated into this trend. It is necessary to conduct scientific research on how to use academic resources and tools in the incorporation and use of the digital economy in the various areas mentioned above.

In this order of ideas and seeing the need for this type of academic research, we will develop to give ideas to those professionals who are in search of novel thesis topics in this important area

What is the digital economy and what is its importance?

There are many definitions of the digital economy, I consider that the most complete is that of Don Tapscott. That defines it as:

Revolutionary and comprehensive phenomenon driven by the convergence of communications, information and content. That also creates an interactive multimedia and an information highway.

It is a process and an economic trend affected by the digital trend. That will mark a difference between those who dare to incorporate it and those who manage with traditional economies.

The professional in the area of ​​Economics must learn to manage digital resources and take advantage of these tools to join their work area in a successful and up-to-date manner.

When the technological implementation is started as a tool to streamline processes and digital marketing is incorporated to increase sales, a commercial field was opened that was not perceived at the beginning.

However, nowadays, I displace traditional economies and catapult sales around the world. In order for a company to maintain its optimized internal controls, it must incorporate everything that the digital economy encompasses. Otherwise, weaknesses in their processes will begin to appear, which will affect their market permanence in the medium and long term.

And I mean all the areas, such as the administration of all the resources that the company has. Hence the importance of this subject. That will be more powerful for the following years.

We developed some titles and contents that can be used for thesis of this area. Let’s start:

Ideas for digital economy thesis topics

When the technology was incorporated into the different business processes, weaknesses began to be detected in some areas of the company. As well as the loss of customers and decrease in sales. Especially the medium and small companies. Since they consider that investment in technology would increase their operational costs and have no knowledge if this will help them increase their profits.

Therefore, it is pertinent to carry out an analysis of how small and medium-sized companies will be affected by the use, incorporation and management of digital technologies in the process of digital transformation of small and medium-sized companies.

Title: Impact of the digital economy on the businesses of small and medium enterprises.

Due to these changes, workers may consider being affected in their jobs within an organization. Especially those who have not needed to handle technology and have not trained in this area. Therefore, an analysis can be made of how the digital economy impacts on working conditions and its medium and/or long-term change in labor law.

Title: Digital economy. Its impact on working conditions and employment.

The same order of ideas, companies have increased job offers looking for specialists in the area of ​​technology. Increased job opportunities for these professionals. For this reason, we can investigate the incorporation of the digital economy in the talent demand of engineers specialized in blockchain and other digital trends. Increasing the supply of employment in this area by companies that have already joined the digital economy.

Title: Analysis of occupational profiles of professionals specialized in digital tools.

Also, the tourist area, especially hotels can obtain multiple benefits using these tools. Since it is not necessary that the tourist or client visit the area to inquire about prices and packages. The recommendations will be directly searched online.

Therefore, the aim is to incorporate the tourism sector in the region to the use of the digital economy, since through this technology, hotel room reservations, prices, offers, among others, would be reduced in time and effectiveness. Updating this sector to the internet economy.

Title: The digital economy as a strategy to improve competitiveness in the tourism sector
A variation of this work can be:

Use of Virtual Reality as a strategy to improve competitiveness in the tourism sector.
By incorporating virtual reality in the use of tourism sector strategies, customers can observe in a clearer way, the site that is offered without having to reach the site and achieve a reality totally different from that offered by the entrepreneur. The advantages of staying in their facilities are visually enhanced.

The important thing in this type of thesis is to incorporate the new technologies that come hand in hand with the digital economy. Companies that have not yet decided to use them will be affected in the short term, since the trend is the increase in connections through the Internet. This service allows the saving of time and effort, being simple, fast and comfortable.


Economics professionals must upgrade to the digital area. The technology made its appearance improving the quality of life of users. We go into what specialists call the fourth industrial revolution. Therefore, digital economy specialists must update their knowledge and develop thesis topics that demonstrate that they are at the forefront of digital information.

Initially it focused on increasing sales, improving advertising and reaching potential buyers in more foreign areas. Its penetration in the market was so fast and effective, that what a traditional store generated a time of 10 years to the online did it in 1 year. This was affecting all business areas, without discarding their human resources.

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