17 New Accounting Thesis Topics

The topics for accounting thesis are based on the scope of the profession. In this way, choosing a thesis topic and developing it will be based on the different professional areas that the student masters, on the need and contribution that the study will generate for their professional peers and the guidelines that the professor can guide the research work.

Thus, the accounting is an activity of control of the company, it allows to know through the accounting books that the organization has and counts, what are its liabilities and assets and to make immediate or planned decisions. In addition to being a mandatory requirement in any country.

Accounting is governed by international accounting principles. This allows us to give credibility to the efforts made by the accountant of the company. If these controls begin to show weaknesses, it is necessary to carry out evaluations and adjustments to correct the failure. These weaknesses are those that a researcher can develop in a scientific research or degree thesis.

How to select the topics for accounting thesis?

The topics for accounting thesis can be selected according to the strengths that you present as a student in a certain area of ​​your career. With the one that you master better, that you have managed to acquire work experience or that at the moment of visiting the company selected for the investigation, the management indicates what is the problem that is presenting.

Generally, a company has different weaknesses in the same area, so it is necessary to define the subject at the time of writing the title and focus on a single problem or you will not be able to finish your thesis at the time planned by the university and for the student.

Review the curriculum of your career and in this way you will know the scope of it, being able to select a topic according to the needs of the study company and your academic knowledge and capacity. Remember not all the subjects that were studied during your career you mastered them in the same way, some had more difficulty than others. Discard those that presented difficulty and focus only on those that dominated and you liked. That is an infallible recommendation when choosing the topic of accounting thesis topics.

Thesis Topics For Accounting:

1. – Inventories of merchandise.

In general, one of the departments with the most problems is the warehouse area. The company has several warehouses where it deposits different types of products, whether for sale or to be processed in the case of manufacturing companies. In addition, there are the warehouses of spare parts, waste materials, returned materials, among others.

The headache of management is the various problems caused by differences between the balances of books and physical stocks. Many organizations consider that inventory controls are based on a simple subtraction, “amount that was received – the quantity that was shipped and what is left is the total of merchandise “. Really, it’s not that easy. There are many factors that influence these differences to appear. So merchandise inventories is a very interesting and current thesis topic.

Various titles can be developed for this topic such as:
1. – Accounting strategies in the establishment of an inventory system for the company.
2. – System control method based on the ABC inventory management through measurement indicators for the company

3. – Implement an internal control for the management of inventories of finished products in the company

4.- Procedures of reception and dispatch to optimize the internal control of inventory of raw material in the company

2. – International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)

This issue is also very important for companies, regardless of their size. (Large, medium, small) or their economic activity. (Services, manufacturing or commercial). The accountant is obliged to present their financial statements and any type of own activity under certain rules. The International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) correspond to a set of international specifications in which the accounting of the company is developed and presented. Many countries are governed by these regulations and companies have had to adapt them to the accounting of their organization.

The titles that can be generated for this topic are the following:
1. – Procedures for the adoption of the international accounting standard for property, plant, and equipment in the company

2. – Manual of Accounting Procedures under IFRS for SMEs in the area of ​​Inventories for the company

3. – Adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards of negligible fixed assets of small and medium industries.

3. – Internal Control

Internal control covers all areas of the company. You can develop internal control in the accounts payable, how many receivables, inventories, cash flow, taxes. It is one of the broadest areas and each of them is extremely important within the organization. I invite you to read the internal control article. There we explain several aspects to consider for the development of your thesis.

Some titles can be:
1. – Accounting guidelines for the control of accounts payable of the company.

2. – Control procedures for accounts payable by the company.

3. – Strategies to optimize the internal control of collection management in the company.

4. – Tax

The tax area is one of the weaknesses that the company presents, and cases of fines and penalties may arise from the governing body that governs the payment of taxes in the country. Many times taxes are not canceled in time due to lack of control and ignorance about it. The subject on the tax area can be focused on the control of the payments in the corresponding time or in the development of tax culture in the workers and managers of the companies.

Possible titles of these topics:
1. – Strategic plan to minimize the risk of penalties for non-compliance with formal duties as a VAT withholding agent

2. – Strategic tax plan to optimize the level of compliance with the withholding tax obligations.

3. – Tax Planning and internal control oriented to comply with the tax obligations of the taxpayer.

4 . – Tax culture as a strategy to prevent the breach of the formal duties of the company.

Other topics that can be developed will depend on the purpose of the company, so if you work with food for human consumption, health centers, educational centers, service companies. Each one of them has its own dynamics and presents different problems. However, the majority is the lack of appropriate controls, absences of rules and policies within the organization. This generates weaknesses and problems that if not controlled in time, can harm the company in an important way.

Also the absence of auxiliary books, or their existence but are not square with the ledgers, seats with errors, financial statements that present weaknesses. All these problems can generate an investigation and depending on which area you are inclined you have a thesis topic to develop. You can also include topics about social benefits, wages, and salaries, depreciation.

5. – Digital Technology:

Technological tools have become an important factor in professional accountant careers. At present, traditional banking tends to decrease, increasing the use of digital banking. This causes that the use of digital tools becomes the obligatory use of these professionals.

With the appearance and use of electronic invoices, software that controls your application becomes necessary. In addition to mobile banking services, banking movements can be monitored with just one click.

All this requires a team of professionals who complement the functions of the accountant and in turn optimize the functions of this accounting department. The possible titles for this thesis topic:

  • Implement Big Data technology in the simplification of obligations and functions of the accounting department in the company.
  • Automation of accounting processes, making the systems more secure and stable in the company.
  • Develop internal controls according to the use of online banking, relying on software appropriate for the company.

The trend of the use of digital tools will not diminish the incorporation of accounting professionals in business organizations. Since they only achieve that the work is updated and business decision making is done quickly and timely.

As for the modern time’s requirement, these accounting works must always be endorsed by professionals in the area.


The trend for this year 2020 is the increase in technology, in all facets of the company the use of Big Data, the boost of Fintech or financial technology, will be one of the great technological contributions for this year. The incorporation of electronic invoices and their use already established in various countries, in addition to online banking will implement Cybersecurity to prevent attacks on bank security. Accountants must learn to manage these tools.

Perhaps in the near future, universities will see the need to adjust their programs and incorporate these tools as compulsory subjects in the profile of the accounting graduate.

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